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Step 1 — Melting the metal: The first step in the metalų liejimas involves melting metal until it reaches a liquid state. This is vital because the metal should be incalculably heated for the reason it takes his very in a straightforward way. After we melt the metal, we pour this molten metal into a unique shape called a mold. The mold consists of two parts that fit together just like how the two pieces of a puzzle fit together.

We introduce the liquid metal into the mold from an opening called a "gate. This is the area where the metal comes into the mold and fills it up. However, before proceeding, we should give it time to cool Asper them— fill the mold with liquid metal. Then, as it cools, the metal hardens, taking on the shape of the mold. After about an hour, the metal is hard enough to allow the mold to be opened and the finished product can be removed! These last items can be anything from small toys — think toy cars — to critical metal components for machinery.


Why choose Yaopeng die casting process?

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